Our Mission
The mission of the National Native Network is to enhance the quality and performance of public health systems to reduce commercial tobacco-related illnesses and cancer disparities among American Indian and Alaska Native populations.
This website provides a forum for AI/AN-serving organizations to obtain and disseminate evidence-based and culturally appropriate information in an effort to identify and eliminate health disparities related to commercial tobacco and cancer.
The National Native Network engages a diverse and ever-growing collective of AI/AN stakeholders and links them to critical, capacity building resources and technical assistance that will allow them to implement high quality interventions that are culturally competent and grounded in science.
The National Native Network identifies emerging, promising, and best practices in commercial tobacco and cancer prevention and control among AI/AN populations, highlights and disseminates success stories from Tribes and tribal organizations, and provides tools and technical assistance in implementing policies, systems, and environmental (PSE) approaches, from planning to enforcement and evaluation.