Resource Library

Past Resources - Page 22

Obamacare CNN – More women got mammograms when Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) paid for them

ORIGINAL ARTICLE By Susan Scutti of CNN with video HERE (CNN) – Obamacare eliminated the costs and out-of-pocket expenses for Americans wanting preventive health care services — including mammography and colonoscopy, both tests able to detect cancer. Among older Americans, use of mammography increased under Obamacare, according to a study published Monday in the journal […]

nnn CDC Internships and Externships in Public Health Law

Law has been critical in achieving public health goals and serves as the foundation for governmental public health practice in the United States. Many of public health’s greatest successes, including high childhood immunization rates, improved motor vehicle safety, safer workplaces, and reduced tooth decay, are the result of legal interventions. Today, law plays an increasingly […]

PHAP Apply Today to Host a PHAP Associate

The host site application period for the Public Health Associate Program (PHAP) closes today, January 19, 2017, at 11:59 pm (EST). PHAP is a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) two-year, training program for early-career public health professionals that provides opportunities for recent graduates (with a bachelor’s or master’s degree) to gain broad experience […]

Wrangell My rollercoaster ride with quitting smoking.

“I started smoking as a young teen and continued as an adult.  i stopped during my pregnancies but went right back to it after.  My infant daughter had RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and was diagnosed with asthma and a heart condition so I stopped smoking, cold turkey, for 8 years.  Due to life changes and […]

Washington Post Rural Americans are more likely to die from the top 5 causes of death

ORIGINAL ARTICLE by Lena H. Sun of The Washington Post HERE Rural Americans are more likely to die from heart disease, cancer and three other leading causes of death than their urban counterparts, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Those five top causes of death — heart disease, […]

nnn Employment Opportunity: American Indian Cancer Foundation

VIEW JOB POSTING HERE: The American Indian Cancer Foundation is seeking an Administrative Coordinator to assist in the management of finances, vendor relations, organizational policies and procedures, meeting/event coordination and take a lead role in providing administrative experience and the capacity to set and deliver outcomes in a fast paced environment.  This is an excellent […]

success-story Walking Away from Smoking

“Growing up, all my friends smoked, and I had easy access to people willing to buy cigarettes for me.  I started smoking regularly by age fourteen.  I quit during my pregnancy but had no plan to stay smoke-free.  I started up again soon after I gave birth and kept smoking until one eveniing out when […]

nnn Commercial Tobacco Media Resource Guide

The California Rural Indian Health Board (CRIHB) developed the Commercial Tobacco Media Resource Guide.  It is a great resource for the healthcare professionals to identify education materials and resources that are available at tribal, state, and national levels.  Please feel free to distribute it through your social media outlets and websites.

South East Alaska Regional Health Consortium SEARHC welcomes the U.S. Surgeon General’s report on E-cigarettes and Youth

From SEARHC JUNEAU, December 8, 2016 – The SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC) welcomes the U.S. Surgeon General’s (SG’s) report Know the Risks:  E-cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults.  This report highlights how e-cigarettes have the potential to cause lasting harm to the health of young users, especially their brain development, which continues until […]

Smoke Free Another Apartment goes Smoke-Free in Wrangell

ORIGINAL ARTICLE by Dan Rudy of Wrangell Stentinel HERE Another housing unit has officially gone smoke-free, according to the SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium’s local health promotion department. This fall the new owners of the Stikine Native Organization building on Front Street – colloquially known as the SNO building to locals – formally made the […]