The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is the largest continuously conducted telephone health survey in the world.  The BRFSS enables the CDC, health departments, and other agencies to monitor risk behaviors related to chronic diseases, injuries, and death.  It is an effective tool in preventing disease and promoting health.  All states conduct an annual BRFSS but they do not adequately typically sample enough of the AI/AN population.

Outcome date for AI/AN populations is limited because of the small sample size which requires states to combine several years of data to get meaningful AI/AN data.  Waiting for several years to get stable estimates on risk factors, chronic disease prevalence, and preventive practices can negatively impact chronic disease prevention planning.

Therefore, some tribes or tribal healthcare teams, have decided to conduct their own regional BRFSS.  The region-specific survey provides these tribal health care teams with data that may be buried in the annual statewide BRFSS study.

The tribal specific BRFSS contains many of the same questions used by the statewide survey, so comparisons to the statewide data are also available.

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Webinar learning objectives/outcomes:

As a result of having participated in this session, participants will:

  1.  Describe the reason(s) why a tribal healthcare system might need to conduct specific BRFSS by May 30, 2017.
  2. Identify potential partners to assist with a tribal specific BRFSS by May 30, 2017.
  3. Reference the AI/AN BRFSS Toolkit to meet the five phases of the BRFSS time line by May 30, 2017.