Menthol and Other Flavored Tobacco Products

The high prevalence of menthol and flavored tobacco use in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities poses a significant threat to public health. Predatory marketing strategies by big tobacco companies on AI/AN communities has amplified initiation and addiction rates, further worsening health disparities. Menthol and flavored tobacco has been recognized as a catalyst for smoking initiation and addiction, posing an additional hurdle to quitting efforts. AI/AN communities encounter distinct challenges linked to the use of menthol and other flavored tobacco products, with the youth being particularly vulnerable to heightened risks. In a recent survey, 19.9% of youth in grades 8 report using vaping products at least once in their lifetime and 38.8% of 12th graders report having used vaping products. 1 Additionally,77% of youth surveyed in grades 8-10 did not perceive the use of vaping products as increasing their risk of developing cancer and other illnesses and nearly half of all respondents indicated that it was fairly easy for them to obtain vape products.1  

The harmful effects of menthol and flavored tobacco products extend beyond individual health, impacting community well-being and exacerbating existing disparities. It is imperative to address these issues comprehensively, emphasizing education, awareness, access to cessation services, culturally tailored interventions and effective policy initiatives to curb the prevalence of menthol and flavored tobacco use in AI/AN communities. 

Stanley, S. J., Kelley, D. E., O'Brien, E., Margolis, K. A., Navarro, M. A., Alexander, J. P., & O'Donnell, A. N. (2022). US digital tobacco marketing and youth: A narrative review. Preventive Medicine Reports, 102094. 

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From NYT: How to Quit Vaping

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Next Legends Campaign

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In 2022, FDA launched "Next Legends" - a new youth e-cigarette campaign that aims to educate American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth, ages 12-17, about the harms of vaping.  Native youth are more susceptible to tobacco than their non-Native peers, and they demonstrate disproportionately high experimentation and current use of e-cigarettes.

The "Next Legends" campaign uses unique branding and tailored messaging that is specifically designed to educate AI/AN youth on the harmful effects of vaping.

Our Goal:  Inspire a new generation of AI/AN teens to live Native strong and vape-free.


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Changes over time in Reasons for Quitting Vaping among Treatment-Seeking Young People from 2019-2022



  • Quitting vaping reasons from young people were collected in 2019 and 2022 and themes were compared.
  • Treatment seeking young people who vape reported health as their top reason for quitting in 2022.
  • Percentage point increases in current health (+13.9) and mental health concerns (+7.6) were noted.
  • Other top reasons for quitting in 2022 include social influence, cost, and freedom from addiction.
  • Increase in Other category may indicate emergence of new reasons for quitting not reported in 2019.
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Is Vaping Worse than Smoking?


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Update on FDA's Scientific Review of JUUL Product Applications

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From Data to Action:  National, State, and Local Efforts to End Menthol and Other Flavored Commercial Tobacco Product Use

CDC's Office on Smoking and Health, in collaboration with public health partners, released a Preventing Chronic Disease Collection, "From Data to Action:  National, State & Local Efforts to End Menthol and Other Flavored Commercial Tobacco Product Use."

This collection features a guest editorial and 9 articles that enhance our understanding of public health's role in reducing tobacco-related diseases and deaths, highlight menthol and other flavored tobacco surveillance data, and provide examples of state and local activities implemented in this area.  The collection shows public health's role in education communities about evidence-based interventions, including policies, to create healthier and more equitable communities, particularly among those who have been burdened by menthol and flavored tobacco.

Sharing evidence about tobacco interventions that work can help states, tribes, localities, and communities promote and implement equitable policies and resolutions, systems, and environmental changes that can prevent tobacco initiation and support individuals who are ready to quit.

The complete collection is available here:

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Student Winners Announced for 2024 Minnesota Escape the Vape Video Challenge

The Escape the Vape Video Challenge, now in its fourth year, had over 500 students from 38 Minnesota schools creating 30-second videos to educate their peers on the dangers of vaping.


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The Real Cost Campaign

Presented by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration educates at-risk teens about the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes and e-cigarettes and using smokeless tobacco.

Visit The Real Cost Campaign here.

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Youth SMoking and Vaping Prevention

Truth Initiative uses provocative, creative, and innovative approaches to influence culture, inspire youth and young adults, and initiate action.  All grounded in research.  All to achieve a future where commercial tobacco use and nicotine addiction is a think of the past.

Truth Initiative's brand is ubiquitous in youth culture.  Online and in-person, Truth takes on the tobacco industry and exposes the truth about its products.  Whether it is through provocative videos, crative digital and social channels, signature Truth-branded merchandise or Truth's presence at popular music and sports events with iconic "Truth Trucks," Truth connects with youth and young adults through the venues they understand and trust.

Visit the Truth Initiative Youth Smoking and Prevention webpage here.

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Michigan's LGBT Community:  Results of a First-Ever Tobacco Use Assessment Study, including Electronic Devices

This August 2019 webinar from the MDHHS Tobacco Section reviews the results of the first commercial tobacco use assessment study of Michigan's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, including community members' use of e-cigarettes.


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Truth Vape Report

The Truth Initiative developed this Vape Report in June 2021.

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World Health Organization

World No Tobacco Day 2024:  Youth Step In and Speak Out #TobaccoExposed

World No Tobacco Day is an awareness day to educate on the dangers of commercial tobacco and the tactics the commercial tobacco industry use to market their products.


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Color & Culture | Earth Day SOS:  Vaping's Environmental & Human Rights Crisis

The growing popularity of electronic cigarettes ("e-cigarettes") and vaping in recent years has raised concerns about their implications on human rights and the environment.  While vaping nicotine and THC has its own health and addiction risks, recent studies have brought to light the health risks as well as the moral and environmental consequences of this quickly expanding industry.  This article explores the environmental and human rights impact of vaping, focusing on how young people are increasingly avoiding vapes due to concerns about metals, plastic waste, and human rights violations.


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CDC:  Electronic cigarettes infographic

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Tammy W.'s Tips from Former Smokers Article

Tammy's media release is now available to share.  Learn more about Tammy's story and where her story will be shared in the 2024 Tips from Former Smokers campaign here.

Photo of Tammy W.

Tammy, age 50, lives in Michigan. She is a member of the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians tribe. She started smoking menthol cigarettes at age 21. Tammy ate healthy, exercised regularly, and ran marathons. But at age 44, Tammy learned she had severe heart disease and needed open-heart surgery. (Photo Credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

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Tammy W.'s Tips from Former Smokers Story

Tammy smoked menthol cigarettes because she thought they were less dangerous than other cigarettes.  The then quit smoking when she discovered she was suffering from severe heart disease and needed open heart surgery.  Learn more about Tammy's story here:

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Cessation Medication Fact Sheet

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We have been leading the fight to protect Californians from the tobacco industry for more than 30 years.  Because we deserve healthy live, lower healthcare costs, tobacco-free communities, and an environment free of the tobacco industry's toxic waste.  And kids should grow up without the tobacco industry poisoning their childhood.  Every day, we work to undo the tobacco industry's damage and restore every Californian's right to health and wellness.

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About: and M[END]THOL is a call to action to end the influence of menthol and all flaovred tobacco products on multiple levels.  We want to END the use of methol and other flavors as an additive to mask the harmful effects of cigarettes, tobacco, and nicotine.  We want to END the sale of these products, particularly in the Black, Hispanic, and LGBT communities.  And we want to END the legalization of using menthol and other flavors in any tobacco product.

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CDC Menthol Fact Sheets

CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) has released Menthol Fact Sheets for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. These fact sheets were developed to help OSH awardees and partners with their programmatic planning and educational efforts, given the significant risk menthol cigarettes pose to public health.   

The data presented in the fact sheets include:  

  • state-specific estimates of the number of adults who currently smoke, usually use menthol cigarettes, and are seriously considering quitting smoking;  
  • the economic cost of cigarette smoking in the state;  
  • the estimated number of adults in the state who would quit smoking if menthol cigarettes were no longer available;  
  • state Medicaid coverage for cessation treatments;  
  • state smoking quitline utilization; and, 
  • the amount of funds CDC provides the state for the quitline. 

The State Menthol Fact Sheets can be found here: Menthol Fact Sheets | Smoking & Tobacco Use | CDC 

More information about the data in the Menthol Fact Sheets can be found here: State Menthol Fact Sheets References and Methodology (

If you downloaded data from these pages in the past week during our soft release, please revisit these pages and download again as some data have been updated. If you have questions, please contact your OSH public health advisor, as this email account is not monitored regularly.  

OSH extends its appreciation to colleagues Anne Hartman (now retired) and Todd Gibson from NCI and to Geoffrey Fong from the University of Waterloo for their assistance in the development of these fact sheets.  

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Truth Initiative:  Flavored Tobacco Policy Resources


Truth's Latest Work on Flavors

Truth Initiative focuses significant research, education and engagement efforts on flavored tobacco products, including developing reports and resources on the impact of these products, conducting prevention campaigns and community outreach and calling on the Food and Drug Administration to take needed actions to protect youth.

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Michigan Health and Human Services:  Tobacco


Our Mission

To reduce morbidity and mortality and alleviate the social and economic burden caused by commercial tobacco use in Michigan.

Our Vision

A healthier Michigan, free of all forms of commercial tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure

Our Plan

Our work is guided by the five goals of the Tobacco Section Strategic Plan:

  • identify and eliminate tobacco-related health disparities;
  • eliminate exposure to secondhand smoke;
  • promote tobacco treatment (cessation) among adults and youth;
  • prevent initiation among youth and young adults; and
  • expand and stabilize tobacco control infrastructure and funding.