80% by 2018 News – 10/13/2016
Dear 80% by 2018 Partners:
Here is some news to share with all of you today:
80% by 2018 Reaches all 50 States
80% by 2018 has reached yet another milestone! Not only has the 80% by 2018 initiative reached 1,000 pledges, we now have pledges from organizations in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico!
The NCCRT would like to thank all of our incredible partners who have pledged their commitment to 80% by 2018, are rallying other organizations to embrace this shared goal and are backing up their commitment by investing in interventions to help promote life-saving colorectal cancer screening tests.
Visit our 80% by 2018 Tools and Resources page to see our growing list of 80% by 2018 partners and learn more about what you can do to help achieve 80% by 2018.
Visit http://nccrt.org/80-by-2018-pledges-in-all-50-states/ to learn more!
NCCRT Webinar on Familial Risk and CRC Screening postponed until December 8th at 1:00pm EST
The NCCRT webinar on Familial Risk and CRC screening which was scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed to Thursday, December 8th at 1:00pm EST due to presenter illness. Please save the new date. During the webinar, study authors Dr. Jan Lowery and Dr. Dennis Ahnen will review the NCCRT-commissioned article that was published earlier this year on colorectal cancer and family history in the journal Cancer: Understanding the contribution of family history to colorectal cancer risk and its clinical implications: A state-of-the-science review. The NCCRT’s Family History Task Group conducted this review to better understand the current state of knowledge regarding family history and colorectal cancer. Registration information will follow!
Request for proposals (RFP) for nccrt.org redesign
NCCRT is pleased to announce a request for proposals to redesign our website, www.nccrt.org. The RFP is available here: http://nccrt.org/about/rfp-website-redesign/
As part of an effort to rely on a greater pool of vendors, we welcome your recommendations for vendors that might be a good fit for this project. Please email Emily Bell, NCCRT associate director, (Emily.Butler@cancer.org) with your suggestions, or with any questions related to the RFP. Email notification of intent to apply is due October 18th, 2016. The proposal due date is October 25th, 2016.