Colorectal Cancer Blog Posts

CCCNP Screening Workgroup Update and Lung Cancer Resources

The CCC National Partners want to share exciting news with you! They have updated and revised our partnership priorities. The cancer screening priority work group that formerly focused on colorectal cancer has been expanded to also include lung cancer now.  While colorectal cancer screening remains a priority for CCCNP, they have expanded the priority because […]

Nuestras Voces Network: Let’s Get to the Bottom of Colorectal Cancer

Nuestras Voces (Our Voices) Network presents a Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Webinar: Title:  “Let’s Get to the Bottom of Colorectal Cancer” Date:  Wednesday, March 22, 2023 Time:  2 pm ET REGISTER HERE Colorectal cancer represents the third leading cause of death from cancer in the United States.  The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that 106,970 […]

Partnering to Reduce Colon Cancer Health Disparities Among the American Indian Population

Click here to see full article and download Abstract American Indian and Alaska Native people experience higher rates of several cancers, including lung, colorectal, liver, stomach, and kidney cancers, compared to non-Hispanic White people in the United States.  Cancer disparities are also prominent among the American Indian population and vary by region.  Disproportionately high rates […]

Prevent Colorectal Cancer: Start your Screening at Age 45

Colon Cancer can be preventable with early and regular screenings, and on May 18, 2021 the age recommendations for colon cancer screening were lowered from age 50 to 45. This change provides the opportunity for adults with no family history of colon cancer to be screened at age 45, instead of waiting until they are […]

GPTLHB CRC Education Materials

Great Plains Colorectal Cancer Screening Initiative developed various educational materials about colorectal cancer.  These educational materials are available for you to use in your community.  If you have any questions or concerns, call 605-721-1922. CLICK HERE

CTCCCP March Colorectal Cancer Social Media Awareness Event and Talking Circle

From California Tribal Comprehensive Cancer Control Program: March is colorectal cancer awareness month.  Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among American Indians and Alaska Natives.  This year the California Rural Indian Health Board and the California Tribal Comprehensive Cancer Control Program Coalition will have a social media competition during March to […]

CTCCCP Presents Colorectal Cancer Talking Circle

Time March 4, 2021 10 a.m. PST Description Join us for a talking circle!  This month, we raise awareness for colorectal cancer.  This talking circle will provide you with a better understanding of colorectal cancer and provide you with valuable insight on the experiences of Tribal patients and community members. Register in advance for this […]

Gone Too Soon

Dear Aileen, I can’t believe that it has been 13 years since you passed after a two and a half years fight against colorectal cancer.  you were so strong and so positive through all the poking, prodding, and chemo treatments.  I wish you had gotten checked earlier so that maybe your cancer wouldn’t have taken […]

DDW Poster on 80% by 2018

NCCRT Evaluation and Measurement Subgroup co-chair Ann G. Zauber, PhD, presented a poster describing 80% by 2018 progress to date at the 2016 Digestive Disease Week Conference in San Diego last month.  The poster illustrates the progress of the 80% by 2018 initiative by comparing the number needed to screen to reach 80% by 2018 […]

Real Men Wear Gowns: New screening process for colon cancer

ORIGINAL ARTICLE HERE from KREM by Mark Hanrahan SPOKANE, Wash. – There is a good chance you or someone you know has visited a CHAS clinic in Spokane. However, you may not know about the organization’s recent push to screen more patients for colon cancer. “We went from 8.5% screening rate up to 33% last […]

Upcoming Events

Attending any of these upcoming events? Have other events to share? Let us know! Email us at NNN@ITCMI.ORG to share your event information or to get on our list serve for event updates.


31st Nicotine Dependence Center Conference 2025:  The Evolving Tobacco Landscape and Implications for Policy and Practice | LEARN MORE AND REGISTER

Tribal Public Health Conference | Choctaw Casino & Resort, Choctaw, Oklahoma | LEARN MORE AND REGISTER

Take Down Commercial Tobacco National Day of Action | LEARN MORE

WEBINAR:  Pediatric, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer Survivorship ECHO from American Cancer Society | LEARN MORE AND REGISTER

The National Network of Public Health Institutes 2025 NNPHI Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN | LEARN MORE AND REGISTER

2025 NACCHO 360 Annual Conference; Anaheim, CA | SAVE THE DATE | LEARN MORE

2025 National Conference on Tobacco or Health | SAVE THE DATE | LEARN MORE

2025 National Conference on Tobacco or Health; presented by National Network of Public Health Institutes; Chicago, Illinois | LEARN MORE AND REGISTER

NIHB presents National Tribal Health Conference | Sheraton Grand at Wildhorse Pass in Chandler, Arizona | LEARN MORE AND REGISTER