CBPR Partnership Academy
Interested in gaining hands-on, year-long training in Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) — with all expenses paid for the opportunity? If so, then check out the Detroit Urban Research Center’s CBPR Partnership Academy. This collaborative, year-long program is designed for community members and academic researchers with limited CBPR experience who are interested in using this approach to eliminate health inequities in their communities. Those selected for the Academy work in pairs: with one community member and one academic researcher who are engaged in a new or early-stage partnership.
Twelve teams are selected each year to participate in this distinctive, nationwide program, and the deadline to apply is February 15, 2016. The overarching goal is for teams to enhance their capabilities, knowledge, and skills in creating, implementing, and maintaining a successful CBPR partnership using innovative methods in the behavioral and social sciences to make a positive difference in the health and well-being of their local communities. Another goal is to increase participation of researchers from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups in CBPR.
The Partnership Academy includes THREE core components:
1. A one-week intensive course
2. A full year of structured mentoring and learning opportunities to support development of a CBPR partnership, and
3. Access to a Community-Academic Scholars Network for ongoing networking and support.