CDC Foundation National and State Cigarette Sales Data Briefs

CDC Foundation has released new cigarette sales briefs exploring changes in U.S. national and state cigarette sales following state flavored tobacco sales restrictions.

They included on the CDC Foundation webpages that include the national and state trends for Monitoring E-Cigarette Use Among Youth | CDC Foundation


The monitoring of other tobacco product sales in conjunction with the monitoring of e-cigarette sales is necessary to provide a comiprehensive picture of the overall U.S. tobacco product market.  These cigarette data briefs provide estimates of cigarette sales in the U.S. market overall and select U.S. states.  These retail sales data briefs are intended to provide information about population trends in cigarette sales for participating retailers; they do not include online sales or tobacco speciality store sales and cannot be used to make conclusions about subgroup purchasing or behaviors.  These estimates are based on the information available at the time of publication and may be subject to updates as more information becomes available.

What’s the Bottom Line?

  • Cigarette sales declined substantially during the past 5 years, and ceclined more in states with comprehensive laws that prohibit the sale of most flavored tobacco products, including flavored e-cigarettes and menthol cigarettes.
  • Cigarette sales declined in states with laws prohibiting the sale of flavored e-cigarettes, but these declines were more modest than the declines in states with comprehensive flavored tobacco restrictions.

The National and State Cigarette Briefs:  Data Brief Issue 01 (data through October 2023) Changes in US and State Cigarette Sales Following Flavored Tobacco Sales Restrictions (2018-2023) are available here.

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