CDC Foundation National and State E-Cigarette Sales Data Briefs

CDC Foundation has posted its most recent National and State Data Briefs highlighting national and state trends in e-cigarette sales from January 2018 through June 2023 on the CDC Foundation website: .

These data briefs provide an update provide an update on trends in unit sales of e-cigarettes in the U.S. by product and flavor type.  In addition, the national brief now lists the top 10 top-selling e-cigarette brands and their combined market share, and includes a figure with dollar sales of e-cigarettes.

These briefs do not include online sales or vape store sales and cannot be sued to make conclusions about subgroup (e.g., youth) purchasing or behaviors.  These estimates are based on the information available at the time of publication and may be subject to updates as more information becomes available.

Direct links to the briefs are included below.

Data Brief Issue 25 highlights national trends in e-cigarette sales from January 2018 through June 2023:  Issue32-MonthlyE-CigaretteSalesDataBrief_6.18.2023.pdf (

Data Brief Issue 10 highlights trends in e-cigarette unit sales in selected states.  Data are presented from January 2018 through June 2023:  QuarterlyE-CigaretteSalesDataBrief_6.18.2023.pdf (

Questions for CDC Foundation regarding this information can be sent to:


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