E-Cigarette Unit Sales by Product and Flavor Type, and Top-Selling Brands, United States, 2020-2022
CDC, in collaboration with CDC Foundation and Truth Initiative, released the following tobacco-related article in the journal, Morbidity and Mortality Report Weekly.
E-cigarette Unit Sales by Product and Flavor Type, and Top-Selling Brands, United States, 2020-2022
U.S. e-cigarette sales climbed during 2020-2022, with increases in the number of brands and sales of disposable devices and flavors popular among youth.
To assess trends in unit sales of e-cigarettes in the United States, by product and flavor, and determine the top-selling brands, CDC Foundation, Truth Initiative, and CDC analyzed retail scanner data during January 26, 2020 – December 25, 2022.
Overall, e-cigarette unit sales increased by nearly 47% during the study period.
Monitoring e-cigarette sales can inform strategies to prevent youth tobacco use, including potentially proposing restriction on flavored tobacco products.
The article is available online at: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7225a1.htm?s_cid=mm7225a1_w