Request for Proposals – Exact Sciences CRC Screening Uptake Strategies “FOCUS” Program

Funding Opportunity from Exact Sciences

Funding amounts between $25,000 and $75,000 will be awarded, depending on the proposed project.

Proposal submission deadline is September 7, 2023.

Two Application Categories

Clinical: Applicants in this category are from clinical settings, including but not limited to Federally Qualified Health Centers, Look-Alike Clinics, Community Health Centers, etc. and have a set goal related to increasing CRC screening rates as determined by medical record data.

*** For the purposes of this RFP Tribal Health Centers and Urban AI/AN Clinics will be considered qualified applicants under the category of  “Look-Alike Clinics”***

Community: Applicants in this category are from non-clinical settings that are positioned as trusted partners and messengers in the community who seek to advance CRC screening awareness, education, and efforts at a local level. Organizations in this category are not required to track to CRC screening rates using medical record data and will likely focus on efforts to change knowledge and behavior around CRC screening

Please click the following links to view the full RFP and access the application portal


PROPOSAL FORM- fillable PDF (Must Download to Complete)


Applications will be considered by a committee of Exact Sciences employees based on pre-defined metrics to ensure a fair and unbiased award process. Additional application metric information can be found on page 6 of the RFP.

For questions or concerns connected to this RFP, please contact:
Meg Fischer, MS
Sr. Community Engagement Specialist


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