Glenwood Springs bans public smoking from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m
It will be OK to light up and smoke a cigarette on downtown Glenwood Springs sidewalks after 10 p.m., under a new ordinance adopted by City Council Thursday.
The ordinance prohibiting smoking in several public places around town passed on a 5-1 vote after the change was added at the request of bar owners and others who said an outright ban could hurt business.
It bans smoking between 5 a.m. and 10 p.m., when tourists and others who may prefer to avoid breathing secondhand smoke are more likely to be out and about.
The outdoor smoking ban includes Glenwood Springs’ downtown core area and applies to all public parks and trails, including the Rio Grande Trail through Glenwood, and within 25 feet of all transit bus stops and outside of schools and school bus stops. Since city parks close at 10 p.m., the after-hours smoking allowance would not apply to those areas.
The new ordinance will officially take effect sometime around the first week of August.