IHS HP/DP & IHS CSC: Understanding the Relationship Between Obesity and Cancer
Presented by Indian Health Service Health Promotion/Disease Prevention and IHS Clinical Support Center (Accredited Provider)
Title: Understanding the Relationship Between Obesity and Cancer
Date: Thursday, October 21, 2021
3:00 pm EDT
2:00 pm CDT
1:00 pm MDT
12:00 pm PDT & Arizona
11:00 am Alaska
Susan Czajkowski, PhD
Chief Health Behaviors Research Branch, NCI
Linda Nebeling, PhD, MPH, RD, FADA
Deputy Associate Director, DCCPS, NCI, NIH
Link to attend: https://ihs.cosocloud.com/rnbfqxw341ha/
No registration required.
Target Audience: Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Social Workers, Registered Dietitians, and other members of the healthcare and public health team
Description: This presentation will discuss the prevalence of obesity in the U.S. and in various population subgroups, including American Indian/Alaska Native populations. The relationship of obesity to cancer incidence and outcomes; biological mechanisms that are thought to be responsible for the obesity-cancer relationship; and efforts by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to better understand the obesity and cancer relationship and develop more effective interventions for obesity to prevent cancer and reduce its adverse outcomes.
Learning Objectives/Outcomes: As a result of completing this training, the healthcare team will be able to:
- Examine the relationship of obesity to cancer, including the types of cancer that are linked to obesity and apparent mechanisms linking obesity to cancer.
- Recognize obesity prevalence in the U.S. generally and in various population subgroups including American Indian/Alaska Native.
- Summarize research and related activities being undertaken by the NCI in the area of obesity and cancer.
Full details in flyer below.