NNN Webinar: Tribal Sovereignty and e-Cigarette Companies: Emerging Concerns

Join representatives from Clearway Minnesota, National Native Network, Canli Coalition, Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights, and Great Plains Tribal Chairman’s Health Board to talk about why e-cigarettes are not proven effective cessation devices, why e-cigarette use is a problem in Indian Country, some of the most recent tactics by e-cigarette companies, and potential ideas and resources for tribes to use as they navigate this issue.

Title:  Tribal Sovereignty and e-Cigarette Companies:  Emerging Concerns
Date:  Friday, April 12, 2019
Time:  12 – 1 P.M. EDT


Coco Villaluz, Clearway Minnesota

Joshua Hudson, National Native Network

Rae O’Leary, Canli Coalition

Char Day, Americans for Nonsmokers Rights

Terra Houska, Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Health Board

Webinar Goal:
Provide more information and awareness to tribes, and to help connect tribes with appropriate resources and tools to aid in refusing any deal-making with e-cigarette companies.

The Problem:
e-Cigarette companies are targeting tribes to engage in a partnership with them, enticing tribes with incomplete and incorrect information that e-cigarettes are effective cessation devices, and with money to pay for e-cigarette program personnel and free or low cost devices.

Funding for this webinar was made possible by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention DP 18-1808 National Network Approach to Preventing and Controlling Tobacco-related Cancers in Special Populations.  Webinar contents do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


There is no commercial interest support for this educational activity.


For video archive, email nnn@itcmi.org.

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