The Cancer Moonshot: What’s Menthol and Emotional Brain Training Got To Do With It? Everything!
Title: The Cancer Moonshot: What’s Menthol and Emotional Brain Training got to do with It? Everything!
Date: Thursday, September 5, 2024, 2 pm ET
Co-hosted by the National Behavioral Health Network for Tobacco & Cancer Control
Webinar Objectives:
These objectives incorporate smoking cessation into the broader context of social determinants of health, chronic stress, and tobacco industry targeting.
- Explain how factors contributing to chronic stress in vulnerable populations pose specific challenges to smoking cessation; attendees will be able to express the need for tailored smoking cessation programs that also address community assets.
- Explain Emotional Brain Training and identify the basic neuroscience principles behind a free innovative mobile app and its utility as a stress management tool that can be added into smoking cessation strategies.
- Explain how addressing chronic stress was integrated into the White House Cancer Moonshot Initiative.
- Describe how the presence of menthol cigarettes in the U.S. marketplace undermines the Cancer Moonshot Initiative goals of supporting smoking cessation efforts and reducing cancer disparities.