Webinar with CDC, Ad Council on Feb. 24

From Public Health Communications Collaborative


February 24, 2021
1 – 2 p.m. EST/10-11 a.m. PST


Dr. Anne Schuchat,
Principal Deputy Director of CDC

Charysse Nunez,
Insights Lead for the Ad Council’s COVID Campaign

Dr. Schuchat and Ms. Nunez will share insights and resources to help inform messaging for your local COVID-19 response.

Following the presentation, Dr. Schuchat and Ms. Nunez will answer your questions in a session facilitated by Dr. Judy Monroe, President and CEO of the CDC Foundation.

Misinformation Alerts

The misinformation tracking and response tool provides weekly insights about misinformation that is circulating.  This week’s top alert includes a video using medically credentialed individuals to perpetuate false claims undermining the seriousness of COVID-19 and the safety of vaccines.  See the tool for more alerts and review the Vaccine Misinformation Management Field Guide for additional messaging recommendations.


The website has new resources to support COVID-19 communication effort, including

  • A new Q&A addressing the pending Johnson & Johnson vaccine EUA request and how to message about the new potential vaccine and
  • A vaccine education PowerPoint presentation you can download and tailor for your community.



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