FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: American Cancer Society to Issue Dedicated American indian and Alaska Native Funding Opportunity for Colorectal Cancer Screening
The American Cancer Society has released a new funding opportunity to support increased colorectal cancer screening in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
Through this opportunity, the Society will award five grants in amounts up to $100,000 ($50,000/year for 2 years) to eligible tribal health organizations and organizations serving the health needs of American Indian and Alaska Native communities to support the implementation of colorectal cancer screening projects.
The funding will support the grantee’s efforts to improve colorectal cancer outcomes and decrease disparities. This funding opportunity is open to all tribal health organizations and organizations serving the healthcare needs of American Indian and Alaska Native communities in the United States.
The formal application process opened March 27, 2017 and will close May 17, 2017.
Questions about the application process should be directed to SPO@cancer.org.
Find more information, including application materials here: http://nccrt.org/american-indian-and-alaska-native-funding-opportunity/.