Living Beyond Breast Cancer’s Young Women’s Initiative

Living Beyond Breast Cancer’s Young Women’s Initiatitve is now accepting applications for our Young Advocate Program in Philadelphia from September 23-25, 2016. The training will be held in conjunction with our 2016 LBBC Conference: Individual Treatments, Shared Experiences.
The program will provide the tools and training to help young women who have been affected by breast cancer their personal experience to raise awareness, further their understanding of the disease and advocate for others.
This unique opportunity is geared toward women diagnosed with breast cancer before age 45 who live in the United States. We are seeking a diverse candidate pool, including:
Applicants from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds
Applicants in the LGBT community
Applicants with an annual household gross income at 200 percent or below the federal poverty guidelines
Women who have been diagnosed in the last 3 years
Women who are living with metastatic breast cancer
Potential applicants can fill out an online application by Friday, July 8.
Feel free to share this opportunity on your social media platforms. You can find downloadable social media toolkit elements and images that have sample language you can use for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Visit lbbc.org/youngadvocate to learn more.
For more information, contact Ingrid Mopanao at O: 484-708-1808 | C: 408-849-3228 | email: Imapanao@lbbc.org