NIHB 2020 National Tribal Health Conference


“Indian Nations in the Time of COVID-19”

October 13 – 16, 2020

In response to COVID-19, and in respect to the health of our communities, the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) decided to host its annual National Tribal Health Conference on a virtual platform.

NIHB is committed to providing the same world-class information to support Tribal health systems and opportunities for attendees to network with colleagues from across Indian Country.  Tribal consultation and listening consultation sessions with our government partners, hosted by NIHB, will remain free and open during specific, designated times.

NIHB believes this year’s virtual conference brings a real opportunity to add new stakeholders to the conversation, especially those who may not have been able to join us in previous years due to travel costs or scheduling conflicts.  NIHB is excited to have you join this year’s virtual National Tribal Health Conference!



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