PSG vs WRG TPC Event
From Tammi Meissner, Health Educator, Partnership for a Tobacco Free Southeast at the SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium
For ten days in January, Petersburg and Wrangell competed in a friendly Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control competition in which individuals who participated were entered into community drawings and fought for a “bragging rights trophy.” Five tobacco education flyers were hung in each town and the communities were to to take photos of the posters and share them to the Petersburg vs. Wrangell Tobacco Prevention and Control Event Facebook page. Tori Shay, Petersburg Indian Association and Tammi Meissner, Wrangell SEARHC Health Educator, were happy with the participation during the event. It was neck and neck the whole time! The final score was PSG: 81 to WRG: 75.
Congratulations to the Petersburg community for pulling out the win and great job Wrangell. Ms. Shay and Mrs. Meissner would like to thank everyone who participated, they appreciated the fun competition among the towns, and they hope that individuals learned about e-cigarette advertising during the event!
Be on the lookout for future Petersburg vs. Wrangell Tobacco Prevention and Control events.