Sample Social Media Posts – Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
The Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Health Board has offered sample social media posts that they will be utilizing through January’s Cervical Cancer Awareness Month.
Cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination are two important ways to #PreventCervicalCancer, check out this video on why women in the Great Plains are getting screened for cervical cancer. (Visual content: General Women’s Health Video:
January is #Cervical Cancer Awareness Month! Join #HonorEveryWoman all month long on social media to find out how you can protect yourself and your loved ones against cervical cancer and other HPV- related cancers (Visual content: Cervical Cancer Fact Sheet_FINAL.2019)
Cervical cancer screening and the HPV vaccination are two important ways to #PreventCervical Cancer, check out this video on why women in the Great Plains are getting screened for cervical cancer. (Visual Content: General Women’s Health Video: )
January is #CervicalCancerAwarenessMonth! Join #HonorEveryWoman in spreading the word a bout the 4 ways to prevent cervical cancer. 1. Get the HPV Vaccine 2. Get Regular Cervical Cancer Screenings. 3. Quit Commercial Tobacco 4. Reduce your number of sexual partners. (Visual content: Instagram Visual CC Month 2020)