Smokefree Laws on Tribal Lands
The Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan with the Indian Health Service Clinical Support Center (Accredited Provider) presents a webinar.
Title: Smokefree Laws on Tribal Lands
Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Time: 3 – 4 pm ET | 2 – 3 pm CT
Clinton Isham
ANR Foundation
Tribal Relations Consultant
Clinton Douglas Isham is a Tribal citizen from the Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Ojibwe, and he has served as the Tribal Relations Consultant for the American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation since 2019. Clinton is a dedicated public health advocate and his efforts are roote din protecting Tribal culture and sovereignty. His advocacy in Indian Country has been instrumental to the shift in public health policy and attitudes toward smoking inside of casinos. Clinton has become a vital advocate for tobacco control, and he has contributed to improving public health within Tribal communities for over a decade.
In his role at the ANR Foundation, Clinton leads a national campaign for smokefree Tribal policy development. He does this by providing a technical assistance, resource development, and other necessities in order for local initiatives engaging in the Tribal policy change process to be successful. Clinton develops a variety of resources on behalf of Tribal communities and coalitions, including print materials, webinars, general smokefree casino guides, maps, media campaigns, and infographics. His expertise lies in creating and promoting culturally relevant media, communications, and policies that honor traditional tobacco use while aiming to end commercial tobacco use in Indian Country.
Presentation Description:
Clinton Isham will provide a summary of commercial tobacco prevention, control, and policy in Tribal communities. Discuss components of Tribal policy planning in context of a resource and training developed by the American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation, titled the Smokefree Tribal Policy Guide.
Learning Objectives:
1. Examine the current landscape of commercial tobacco prevention, control, and policy initiatives in Tribal communities.
2. Identify key components of Tribal policy planning for tobacco control.
3. Effectively utilize the Smoke Free Tribal Policy Guide developed by the American Nonsmokers Rights’ Foundation to support the development and implementation of smoke free policies in Tribal communities.
Target Audience:
Physicians, nurses, social workers, health educators, administrators, and support staff working with American Indian and/or Alaska Native communities.
Funding for this webinar was made possible by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC-RFA-DP-23-0019: Building Capacity to Reduce the Burden of Menthol and Other Flavored Commercial Tobacco Products in Communities that Experience Health Disparities. The contents of this activity do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Continuing Education (CE) Credit Information:
There is no registration fee to participate in this activity. In order to receive continuing education credit, learners must participate in the webinar in its entirety, and complete an online evaluation.
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There is no commercial interest support for this educational activity.
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Minimum hardware, software, Internet connectivity and connection speed requirements for Zoom Webinars can be found HERE.