Indian Tribes Funding Opportunities

Indian Tribes Funding Opportunities

Indian Tribes Funding Opportunities

CNCS seeks to provide national service resources to address pressing community challenges in Native American communities.

Please review the following funding opportunities to find the one that best fits your organization.

Senior Corps Indian Tribes Funding Opportunities

Senior Corps seeks to increase the impact of national service in Indian County by offering funding opportunities for new grants to Indian Tribes in geographic areas not currently served by Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) and Senior Companion Program (SCP) grantees. CNCS intends to fund FGP and SCP Tribal grants that support volunteers age 55 years and older in activities that serve community needs and respond to the National Performance Measures.

Below are our available funding opportunities for Tribal applicants interested in one or more of our Senior Corps programs. To learn more information on the Senior Corps Tribal Competitions, you can click on the link(s) below. The links will provide you with all of the information you need to understand the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and prepare your grant application to that specific a grant competition.

AmeriCorps Indian Tribes Funding Opportunity

The AmeriCorps funding opportunity for federally-recognized Indian Tribes is designed to target resources on a core set of challenges: disaster services, economic opportunity, education, environmental stewardship, healthy futures, and veterans and military families.


Upcoming Events

Attending any of these upcoming events? Have other events to share? Let us know! Email us at NNN@ITCMI.ORG to share your event information or to get on our list serve for event updates.


Cancer in Rural Communities:  A GW Cancer Center Community of Practice | LEARN MORE AND REGISTER

WEBINAR:  Pediatric, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer Survivorship ECHO from American Cancer Society | LEARN MORE AND REGISTER

The National Network of Public Health Institutes 2025 NNPHI Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN | LEARN MORE AND REGISTER

2025 NACCHO 360 Annual Conference; Anaheim, CA | SAVE THE DATE | LEARN MORE

2025 National Conference on Tobacco or Health | SAVE THE DATE | LEARN MORE

2025 National Conference on Tobacco or Health; presented by National Network of Public Health Institutes; Chicago, Illinois | LEARN MORE AND REGISTER