National Native Network welcomes Sohab Arif, MPH
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The National Native Network (NNN) would like to congratulate and welcome Muhammad Sohab Arif, MPH as the Health Education Specialist II with the California Rural Indian Health Board (CRIHB) in Sacramento, California.
Before moving to Sacramento, Sohab grew up in a rural area of Pakistan. This allowed him to experience close community relations similar to those experienced by rural Native Americans and Alaska Natives.
“This experience made me much more receptive of the health disparities faced by rural communities,” Sohab commented.
To help him properly address these disparities, he received his Masters of Public Health (MPH) from University of California Davis. In graduate school, Sohab was the smoke and tobacco free ambassador, where he worked on both policy development and implementation.
In conjunction with Sohab’s responsibilities with CRIHB, he has also been appointed to the Board of Directors for the National Native Network. The NNN has three partner organizations strategically spread across Indian Country including the SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium, Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Health Board, and the California Rural Indian Health Board. In his role with CRIHB, Sohab will be representing the NNN on a national level educating, presenting, and implementing commercial tobacco and cancer prevention policies along the mission and duties of the NNN.
More information on the NNN is available at www.KeepItSacred.org. The NNN can also be liked at facebook.com/KeepItSacred, followed on Twitter @KeepItSacred and followed on LinkedIn.
The National Native Network is a network of Tribes, tribal organizations and health programs working to decrease commercial tobacco use and cancer health disparities among American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) across the U.S. We offer technical assistance, culturally relevant resources, and a place to share up-to-date information and lessons learned, as a part of a community of tribal and tribal-serving public health programs. The National Native Network is jointly funded by the Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) and Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC) under Cooperative Agreement #5NU58DP004979-03-00. The Network is administered by the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan and directed by a board composed of the California Rural Indian Health Board, Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Health Board, and SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium. The NNN has more information online at www.KeepItSacred.org. The network can be liked at www.Facebook.com/KeepItSacred and can be followed on Twitter @KeepItSacred and on LinkedIn.
Media Contact:
Mike Willette
Communications Specialist
Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan
906-632-6896 x.110