RFP: Improving Social Determinants of Health — Getting Further Faster
Improving Social Determinants of Health – Getting Further Faster
Request for Proposals (RFP)
Improving Social Determinants of Health – Getting Further Faster
Summary Information
The purpose of this funding opportunity is to conduct a retrospective evaluation of strategies that advance health equity and improve chronic disease conditions by addressing the social determinants of health (SDoH).
This effort will fund up to fifty (50) community multi-sector partnerships/coalitions with demonstrated success implementing strategies in one or more of five SDoH domains: the built environment, clinical-community linkages, food insecurity, social connectedness, and tobacco-free policies.
The project will evaluate and assess the impact of the implemented SDoH strategies and highlight successes and lessons learned.
Proposal Due Date and Time: Tuesday December 8, 2020 at 5:00pm EST
Selection Announcement Date: Tuesday December 15, 2020
Maximum Funding Amount: Up to $50,000 per community
Estimated Period of Performance: December 2020 – July 2021
Point of Contact for Questions Regarding this Application: chronicdisease@astho.org
Description of RFP
Purpose The purpose of this funding opportunity is to conduct a retrospective evaluation of strategies that aim to improve health outcomes related to chronic disease conditions by addressing the SDoH. This effort will fund up to fifty (50) community multi-sector partnerships/coalitions with demonstrated success implementing strategies in one or more of five SDoH domains: the built environment, clinical-community linkages, food insecurity, social connectedness, and tobacco-free policies.
The project will evaluate and assess the impact of the implemented SDoH strategies and highlight successes and lessons learned. Reviewers will give preference to communities with partnerships with strong involvement from local and/or state public health departments. ASTHO and NACCHO will work closely with an external evaluation expert to assess the impact of the community’s work.
Additionally, technical assistance (TA) and evaluation support will be provided to the identified communities and their partners through external TA providers and with CDC’s support. Best practices, challenges, lesson learned and achieved outcomes will be documented and shared with CDC, ASTHO and NACCHO members, and other relevant partners.
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