SelfMade Health Network | Webinar Series: A Roadmap for Reducing Risks Associated with Cancers and Cardiovascular Disease

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SelfMade Health Network (SMHN) Webinar Series:
From Prevention to Screening and Survivorship:  A Roadmap for Reducing Risks Associated with Cancers (Tobacco-Related) and Cardiovascular Disease Among Low-Income Populations and Patients (Part 1)

Date:  February 22, 2023 (Wednesday)
Time:  12:30 -1:30 pm (ET)

Panel of Partners:

Brenna VanFrank, MD, MSPH (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office on Smoking and Health)

Bryan Gibson, DPT, PhD (Department of Biomedical Infomatics, University of Utah School of Medicine)

Nancy A. Rigotti, MD (Harvard Medical School-Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Tobacco Research and Treatment Center)

Danielle E. McCarthy, PhD (Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention, Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin)

To register for this webinar, please visit:

Selfmade Health Network (SMHN) Webinar Series:
From Prevention to Screening and Survivorship:  A Roadmap for Reducing Risks Associated with Cancers (Tobac co-Related) and Cardiovascular Disease Among Low-Income Populations and Patients (Part 2)

Date:  February 28, 2023 (Tuesday)
Time:  12:30 – 1:30 pm ET

Panel of Presenters:

Jacqueline B. Vo, PhD, RN, MPH (National Cancer Institute/NIH-Cancer Survivorship Research Unit, Radiation Epidemiology Branch)

(Group Presentation:  Janice Tsoh PHD, Michael Potter, MD and Danielle Hessler PhD (UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences/University of California San Francisco)

(Group Presentation):  Nick Pettit, DO PhD MPH (Department of Emergency Medicine, Indiana University of Medicine) and Jeffery A. Kline MD (Wayne State University – Professor and Associate Chair of Research, Department of Emergency Medicine)

To register for this webinar, please visit:

This webinar series will also focus on some of the national priorities reflected in the 2022 Cancer Moonshot Fact Sheet:

To diagnose cancer sooner —Today, we know cancer as a disease we often diagnose too late. We must increase access to existing ways to screen for cancer, and support patients through the process of diagnosis.

To address inequities (cancer disparities) —Today, we know cancer as a disease for which there are stark inequities in access to cancer screening, diagnostics and treatment across race, gender, region, and resources.

Additional webinar announcements are forthcoming. And beginning next week (January 30, 2023), please register on the SelfMade Health Network (SMHN) website at:

You’re welcome to share this wonderful announcement with colleagues, partners, grantees, and other stakeholders as well as with your organization’s respective Communications Department.

All SelfMade Health Network (SMHN) webinars are available via an On-Demand feature, as a result webinars can be viewed at your own pace and as many times as desired. Upon completion of the general webinar registration field, the webinar link will automatically direct you to the respective webinar. All previous SelfMade Health Network (SMHN) webinars can be accessed at any time on our website at: (Featured Resources) or


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